Crystal Oracle Message: Nuummite

Nuummite – The Crystal Spirits Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Crystal healing oracle message for July 18, 2022 – Nuummite

After meditation this morning, while shuffling The Crystal Spirits Oracle cards, I asked Universe Spirit what was the message for today, and out flipped this one. Now I’ve never heard of or seen this stone before, so it was a new one for me. I was like, okay, what are you about? After reading about it, I was like wow. It was a subtle wow. It oddly, but surprisingly is accurate for where we are, and where we’re headed. I’m so excited for you to read this. You will definitely walk away from this read, not who you were before having read it. I believe it that much!

Nuummite works towards bridging the spiritual and physical realms together, providing a channel for higher knowledge and transformative energy to grow and prosper. This stone helps unlock one’s third eye and activate your own unique psychic abilities. Inner vision of one’s past lives, as well as messages from your guardian angels and spirit guides coming through to you during dreams or intense meditation sessions are fairly common when initially working with Nuummite. Try placing this stone over your third eye and allow the stone’s energy to directly be absorbed into your pineal gland. Pulsating vibrations will soon begin to imbue your entire body and elevate one’s entire consciousness. This mineral holds the key to many of Earth’s secrets, as well as the life that once existed on this planet. Working with this stone repeatedly and becoming more comfortable with the energy it holds is a huge part in understanding the mystery behind Nuummite. The Crystal Council,

Essential Meaning: Achieving self-mastery, inner power, recovering your sense of self

Evidence of progress can seem elusive at times, but when Nuummite Spirit appears, it is a sign that you might be underestimating how far you have come. Our minds are conditioned to pay attention to the negative and overlook all that is good in our lives, including the results of our efforts over time. You may not have received a big blue ribbon or parade in your honor, but the Conscious Universe acknowledges and celebrates all your hard work mastering your fears.

Make peace with the part of yourself that tells you that whatever you do, it will never be enough. You are developing mastery, and there will be times when you feel as if your progress is slow and inadequate, but you are called now to acknowledge that you have indeed persevered, learned much, and not given up. Doing so will help you to stay the course rather than veer off track. Be gentle with yourself as you master the challenges you always seem to overcome somehow. You are getting better at this thing called life – at building healthy relationships and prosperity and at knowing and loving yourself as much as the Conscious Universe does. Give yourself credit and keep practicing. We are all learning and Nuummite Spirit is here to tell you the Conscious Universe is watching and is so very proud of you.


When it comes to your relationship with others, building trust and intimacy is a process. Practice leads to results, for repetition develops skills. Just as you engage in a dance with a partner, leading and following, stay present in the moment, listening to signals and cues and being clear about what you need and desire. Yes, toes will get stepped on here and there, but it’s how you and your partner deal with the inevitable missteps that allows you to develop a closeness that can stand up to even the biggest challenges. Practice, practice, practice . . . and soon it will be second nature to express yourself in relationships in ways that reflect your highest aspirations for how you want to show up for others and what you want to experience. Cultivate love through practicing being loving.

Nuummite – The Crystal Spirit Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid


Dig into the earth and you will soon realize that layers upon layers of soil and rocks have built up over time – and this is a lesson for how to build a foundation in the material world to help you feel more secure. Your true prosperity will always lie in your relationship with the Conscious Universe, your co-creator.

Nuummite Spirit is here to remind you that outer conditions will soon begin to reflect your intention to own your natural abundance – but you must practice the art of building wealth, which might feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable to you. Take time today to honor yourself for how far you have come and the discipline you have shown in methodically working to master your fears about not having enough and about not being up to the task of wealth building. Abundance within, abundance without is what the Conscious Universe wants for you. You are getting there incrementally each time you commit to practice and consciously repeat the actions you know are healthy and in alignment with abundance. Mastery arises from conscious repetition, so know what you need to do and do it. The Conscious Universe is with you.


Nuummite feels sacred, carrying the vibration of the wise elder or teacher. When we are ready, this stone will assist us in diving down into the very depths of self in order to unearth and reclaim the lost or buried parts of us. It encourages us to embrace and integrate the neglected pieces of who we are, step into our power, and once again know ourselves as the perfect beings we have always been.

from The Crystal Spirits Oracle Guidebook by Colette Baron-Reid

I hope this message resonates with you in one way or another. I love reading the messages of these oracle cards. They always seem to resonate with me one way or another, and right on time too! I enjoy the clarity and the enlightenment I receive from them, and that is why I like to share them with you.

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Thank you very much for your time!
